Your brand’s superpower is


Lucy, wtf is illumination?! I wanted fun energy or magnetism or uniqueness. Ok, ok– hear me out. With a naturally acute and very zoned-in lens, you can discover things in people that they’ve never been able to uncover. People might refer to your brand as smart, quick, or educated because they feel like you just get it. You definitely lean on knowing your sh*t a lot and between you and me you’re kinda appalled that other brands with half the knowledge are out there spewing what they’re spewing. Oap. But behind that sometimes formal and professional lens is a brand whose product backs up (and raises) the marketing x100. So lean on THAT.

This superpower means

  •  You tend to put a lot of focus onto what you’re delivering and offer development, feeling this deep knowing that it will sell itself if you simply find the right people and give them the scoop. And usually, you’re right. 

  • Within minutes of someone interacting with your brand through a masterclass, podcast episode, or long-form video they know that you are the real deal. Chances are, they’ll often share any media where you’re sharing your expertise. 

  • You’re a brand people often seek out after they’ve tried the flashy option. You’re kinda like the rock of your industry. Everyone knows you’re really good, but sometimes it takes a few tries for them to actually get to you.


People probably tell you

  • You just get it. 

  • She never misses. 

  • That just blew my mind. 

  • Thank you for that reframe.  

  • Yes, you nailed that.

Biggest weakness

The illumination brand can easily tip into blandness if it’s not careful. With a focus on delivering instead of marketing, it’s easy for you to tone it down, thinking you don’t want to diminish your expertise with gimmicky marketing moves or some overly sappy pet names on the sales page. But by wanting to avoid this, you also struggle to activate people into moving and buying, despite the fact that they clearly see your expertise. 

And you’re probably one of the best people in your industry at what you do so with a stronger brand voice you could help way more people.

Room for expansion

You have the hard part down. Having a really f*cking good offer or product. Now we need to turn all of that attention and focus onto the snappiness of your marketing. Some things you can do are: 

  • Loosen up your messaging by speaking what you want to say into a voice note before writing your copy. This way it feels like you’re talking to a friend instead of writing a corporate document. 

  • Talk about the value, transformation, and benefits your offer provides instead of the specs and features. This way you can paint more of an experience around the product instead of simply stating what it is and what it does. 

  • Start looking at brands that activate you to buy. That expensive latte powder that’s sitting on your kitchen counter. Those shoes you def didn’t need. A subscription to power yoga that makes mornings way sweatier. What made you buy those? Learn from brands that were selling non-necessities, but did it so well.

Next Step

Often the illumination brands need to hire a copywriter. Do I have a vested interest in saying that? Of course.

But I also don’t lie. Take the test again, get a different answer, I promise I didn’t end every quiz result with OH WELL, GUESS YOU HAVE TO HIRE ME. 

But for the illumination brands, it really makes me sad seeing such a solid brand struggle to get the attention, recognition, monetary results, and income it deserves. You’re just a little less out there than other brands and it’s because your lens is more focused on what you can do as opposed to how you can communicate that in a fun, I NEED THAT way.

The bright side is this is my specialty. Kicking the corporate speak out of marketing.

Making English teachers cry with my fun-to-read fragments. And keeping your people hooked on every word, inching closer to their credit cards after every elapsed second on your website. So let’s work together. Whether it’s a high impact sales page or the whole damn site– I’d love to amplify everything that’s already working and craft copy that smashes a dose of activation into the existing high-quality illumination.