Case Study - Jenna Overbaugh
When treating anxiety turns into slaying brain demons
How we took the ‘clinical’ out of one of the strongest anxiety/OCD treatment programs out there
Sales Copy (The Escape, Retreat) & Ongoing Copy Support (The Club)
Jenna Overbaugh is a force to be reckoned with in the mental health space. With 16 years of experience in OCD and anxiety, she’s outspoken about the fact that she wants people struggling to defeat their anxiety, become their own therapist, and stop the cycle of 10 years of talk therapy with minimal resolve.
Our goal was to dismantle the ‘stuffiness’ around clinically-based mental health websites, speak to what her people are actually feeling, and create an irreverent brand that matches her no-holds-barred, tell it like it is way of working with her clients.
Sales Copy
Ongoing Copy Needs
As a part of The Club, we continue helping Jenna with her launches and crafting her:
Ad Copy
Product/Merch Copy
Email Funnels
Opt-In Pages
Jenna’s Thoughts on the Copy
The Result
She earned $400,000 in 3-4 months after launching the sales pages we wrote
Work With Our Studio
Are you a healthcare professional or coach who wants to change lives without being all hoity-toity about it? Our studio specializes in taking hard-to-talk-about topics and putting the perfect blend of irreverence and empathy into a brand voice, so you can attract your people instantly.